- #Treesize portable pro software
- #Treesize portable pro Pc
- #Treesize portable pro windows
#Treesize portable pro windows
Although Windows shows only the last 15 entries in the "Recent Documents" folder, it keeps shortcuts to all files ever opened in the "Recent" folder which are quite useless.
File Search: The temporary file search now has an option that lists all files in the "Recent" folder of the user profile. File Search: The cache files of the Opera browser are now also found by the search type "Internet Files". File Search: It is now possible to save and load the options of the File Search to/from an XML file. This feature will be further improved in the next release. Currently files with the same name, size and change date will be listed. File Search: A new search type allows you to search for duplicate files. The TreeSize File Search can now be started from the context menu of any folder in the directory tree. System and hidden folders are now shown "ghosted" like in the Windows Explorer. The small arrow indicating symbolic links and reparse points is now also shown in the Details list. For detailed information please see the help file. The new command line option /UNITTYPE allows to set the unit (KB, MB, GB) that should be used for displaying size values. The user statistics now use a caching mechanism which significantly increases the performance of a scan with the users statistics activated and also reduces the traffic to the Windows domain controllers. The context menu of the file extensions and user statistics now have a menu item that allows to copy a list of files of the selected file type / user to the clipboard. If not, you may switch it off in the Options dialog. We hope you will like this new visualization of the folder size. In the background of the directory tree a gradient now is shown for each folder that indicates its size in relation to the entire scanned file system tree. The link target is now also shown in the long tooltip of the directory tree. This prevents circular references and folders from being counted twice. If the option "Follow mount points and symbolic links" is turned on, then TreeSize follows only links that point outside the scanned directory tree. Errors that occurred during the scan are now indicated by a small exclamation mark in front of the folder name. Formatting and performance have been improved.
It now works under Windows Vista with Internet Explorer 7.The style sheet Tsizepro.xsl for XML files has been revised:.The toolbar of the Top 100 Files List now contains a Delete button.
#Treesize portable pro Pc
You may reduce their priority up to idle (use only unused CPU time), which allows you to run a scan with TreeSize without any impact on your PC or server.
In the Options dialog (Tools / Options / Scan) you may now choose the priority for the scan and search threads. Het changelog van deze release laat de volgende veranderingen zien: Changes in version 4.2: Meer informatie is op deze pagina te vinden. #Treesize portable pro software
De software is beschikbaar in de smaken Personal en Professional, waarbij de eerste onder andere niet op servers kan worden gebruikt, niet met netwerkdrives overweg kan en ook minder mogelijkheden tot exporteren heeft. Dit kan in een 3d- of taartpuntgrafiek worden weergegeven en voor zowel enkele files of een folder, of hele partities of harde schijven.
Zo is onder andere te zien hoe groot de bestanden zijn, hoeveel ruimte ze innemen, wanneer ze het laatst benaderd zijn, wie de eigenaar is en wat de NTFS-compressieratio is. Dit programma geeft in handige overzichten weer wat er op de harde schijf staat. Om toch een beetje een overzicht te houden kan bijvoorbeeld TreeSize van Jam Software worden gebruikt. Computers worden met steeds grotere harde schijven uitgeleverd en dus groeit ook het aantal bestanden wat wordt verzameld.